Immaculate Conception Church
Rosary Altar Society

Welcome, Rosarians!

This is the website of the Rosary Society of Immaculate Conception Church in Tuckahoe, New York.

We are a chapter of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary.  Our primary purpose  is to praise and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary and to secure her patronage by the recitation of the Rosary for the mutual,  spiritual benefit of all the members throughout the world.  Our Spiritual Advisor is Deacon Anthony who guides us on our spiritual journey.  The Society has been in continuous operation in the parish for over a hundred years.   Our members are involved with many charitable activities that benefit our parish and local community.  We welcome new members; please consider joining us.


Next meeting Monday, November 28, 2011 following 7:00pm Benediction

Rosarians provided the hospitality after the Healing Mass on November 12.  In above photo Candy Troncone dispenses her delicious coffee - always made and served with love.

The memorial Mass for deceased members is at 10:30am, Saturday, November 19.

Our Christmas Party will be held on Monday, December 12 at Tutta Bella restaurant (just north of Lord & Taylor's) on White Plains Road.  Please note the date change.  The festivites begin at 6:30pm.  Cost is $38 per person which may be paid at our next meeting.

The next meeting of the Society will be Monday, November 28 after Benediction.  We will hold our Induction Ceremony for new members at this event.

Feel free to wear your pin to any and all Rosary Society events.

Cenacles of Life

Immaculate Conception parish is honored to join the Cenacles of Life movement.  The intention of this movement is to petition our Lord through His Blessed Mother for the end of abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, and assisted suicide.  The Cenacles of Life are for renewing the Spirit of Life - from within the Church.

Cenacles of Life meets
in the church every Wednesday at 6:00pm to pray two rosaries (10 decades) before the Tabernacle.  Participants strive to observe one day of devotional fasting for the cause of Life.  A weekly commitment is not required; come when you can.  Those who cannot fast on bread and water, may offer up a day of fasting from their favorite thing (such as watching TV).  All Rosarians are welcome to join us as we pray  for the defeat of the culture of death.
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